Say Hello!
Drop me a note, comment, or your favorite recipe! I also never turn down a compliment, especially if it's for my dress and I will undoubtedly say, "Thanks, IT HAS POCKETS!"
Really good at eating pizza. Excellent at taking naps. Sometimes successful at being an adult.
Drop me a note, comment, or your favorite recipe! I also never turn down a compliment, especially if it's for my dress and I will undoubtedly say, "Thanks, IT HAS POCKETS!"
Really good at eating pizza. Excellent at taking naps. Sometimes successful at being an adult.
Hello! My name is Adriana and I live in Los Angeles with my husband Andrew and our fur babies, Garbanzo, Bowser & Nala. I am a social worker by day and blogger by night.
I am also really good at taking naps and eating pizza. Rarely successful at being an adult. Lets be friends!
xoxo, Adriana
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